HomeTech7 Ways To Index Your Website Faster On Google

7 Ways To Index Your Website Faster On Google

Site indexing is not as simple as it may first appear. A misconception people tend to have is that site indexing is as simple as writing up some content for your website, putting a few keywords into it, and then just posting it.

But there is more to site indexing than just writing something up and hoping for the best – especially when you are looking for quicker indexing on Google. Ensuring that your site has been indexed properly and in a quick manner can make a huge difference for your business, especially in terms of getting your site to the right audience.

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Below we explore 7 ways to get your website to index faster on Google.


1: Set Up Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a helpful tool that provides you with comprehensive web analytics that allow you to easily analyze relevant data for your business in one location. The data provided gives you a better understanding of how a range of elements on your site are performing including:

  • Marketing
  • Content
  • Products/services

Even if your site is already indexed but is ranking lower than you would like, Google Analytics also serves a purpose by giving you information that can help you and the Columbus SEO Company help you to get indexed website faster using the right  techniques. 

2: Submit Your Site to Google Search Console

Google has a number of free tools available to individuals, including Google Search Console. It is a completely free service that “helps you monitor, maintain, and troubleshoot your site’s presence in Google Search results.” Features that Google Search Console provides include:

  • Fixing indexing problems
  • The ability to request re-indexing of new and updated content
  • A view of Google Search traffic data
  • A view of sites that link to your website

These features help give business owners a great look at the basics of how to optimize their sites for search engines.

Specifically in terms of indexing, this tool gives direct insight and access to indexing problems that can be addressed as soon as they are caught.

3: Make Use of Relevant Internal Links

Internal linking, where links to other web pages are used within the content of a webpage, is critical to getting your site seen.Internal links help to encourage crawling (where a web crawler looks at and follows the links on a page) and indexing from Google. 

Internal linking helps improve your overall search engine optimization and indexation in a few different ways:

  • Helps increase the discoverability of new content that can be indexed
  • Navigation is easier for a better user experience
  • Ranking authority is distributed in part by internal links

Internal links that are relevant to the content you are using them in can make a massive difference in how fast your site is indexed. 

For example, if you have a new blog post that centers on a recent case your law firm has won, some internal links that you might include may link to a landing page for your services, another relevant blog post on a similar topic, and to your homepage.

4: Create a Blog

Creating a blog for your website has been proven to be beneficial in a number of different ways including brining in new site visitors who are in search of specific information and converting visitors to clients or customers!

But especially for indexing purposes, website blogs can result in a 434% increase in indexed pages, according to Demand Metric.

A blog is a website feature that you can update regularly with new content, therefore giving Google new pages and content to crawl through and index. Keep your blog content high quality and relevant to your business for more possible indexation. 

5: Fix Broken Internal Links

Internal links, as mentioned above, play an important role in overall indexation. That’s why it is important to stay on top of fixing broken and no-follow internal links on a regular basis. 

A broken or no-follow link is simply a link that leads to nowhere or a page that no longer exists. These broken links harm your overall SEO and can keep certain pages on your site from being indexed by Google.

6:Delete Old Pages

In a similar vein to fixing broken links, deleting old pages that are no longer relevant to your site or business is another great way to both update your site and increase the indexability of your content. 

Sometimes older pages on your site are no longer relevant to what you do and that’s alright! It just means that deleting them gets rid of content that you do not want to be indexed by Google and helps the newer content on your site gain visibility.

7:Build Out Backlinks

One thing that Google likes to see is trustworthy pages and trustworthiness can be gained by building yourself and your site out as an authority in whatever industry you may be in. Backlinks are an excellent way to do this because they show that you have built up rapport with other sites and that the content you are sharing through backlinks is valuable.

Backlinks are essentially a link from one website to another. Google will consider a backlink as a vote of confidence. And that vote of confidence will help to show Google that your site is essentially vouched for by others, helping you to be indexedquickly.

And with that, we’ve explored how you can take steps to get your website indexed on Google quickly.

A Columbus SEO company can help you to get an indexed website faster as well with expert knowledge of how to navigate the online space for your business’ site.

Split Reef is a cutting-edge digital marketing agency with offices located in both Columbus, Ohio and Jacksonville, Florida. Offering a full suite of services like custom web app development, digital marketing, and professional SEO, their dedicated team are here to help clients with all of their needs. With clients that from across a variety of industries including law, industrial, and the real estate industry, Split Reef is a Columbus SEO company that can help you get your website indexed faster – all while helping to bolster your business’ online presence. 

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