Not feeling worthy of the partner, why? The feeling of inferiority with respect to the couple can generate such discomfort that it ends up breaking the bond. Happen to you? Do you know what is at the bottom of these types of situations?
Not feeling worthy of your partner is a complex experience. It is a fictitious experience: it exists only in the mind. In other words, it is an assessment made by the affected person but which cannot be objectively corroborated.
The merits of love are given by the relationship itself. Quality love deserves whoever it offers. Beyond this, there are prejudices derived from competitive and consumerist imaginaries that, in reality, have nothing to do with love. It is in this ideological context that someone comes to not feel worthy of her partner.
As you might guess, in these cases, the problem is not in the relationship that a person has with someone they love. The key is in the relationship that person has with himself.
Not feeling worthy of the partner.
The scenario in which someone comes to feel unworthy of the partner from the outside is usually the same. The usual thing is that it occurs in the framework of relationships in which one of the two has some attribute or holds some socially valued asset, which the other does not possess or wield.
The most common is that it is economic or work success, fame, or beauty. All three are highly coveted attributes and goods in a competitive consumer society. The other member of the couple does not have the same, although he has many other virtues, and this is what, apparently, unleashes that feeling of inferiority in front of the spouse.
It is also the case that there is no such big difference between the two at all. Despite this, one of the members of the couple instills the idea in the other that there is indeed a huge contrast. This is the typical relationship between a narcissist and someone insecure and dependent. One installs a false imagination, and the other believes it because, in addition, this gives him security.
The backdrop
Although the usual scenario is usually the one we have just described, it is only apparently so. Deep down, there are other reasons that lead someone to not feel worthy of their partner. Behind these situations, there is a person who does not feel worthy of being loved for who she is. There is also usually a couple of relationships in which there is not enough trust.
The most common thing is that this bad opinion about oneself is born in childhood, from an upbringing lacking affection and recognition. It is common that this feeling of not deserving love is a consequence of abuse, latent or explicit, that takes place in dysfunctional or tyrannical families.
People who don’t believe they should be respected, accepted, and loved for who they tend to hide their true feelings. They usually just show others what they think is right or acceptable. They adapt to everything in an extreme way, abusing acceptance and refusing to make changes or have an impact where they do have a potential influence.
To feel loved, you need to show your love to your partner, whenever you feel, just share beautiful good morning images, Love you sweetheart images it really helps you to feel worthy to your partner.
Not feeling worthy of their partner or of love leads them to feel very strange when someone is interested in them. In fact, they not only feel strange but confused, extremely grateful, and also distrustful. They go out of their way for each other and fill them with affection and details, but in reality, they do not give themselves to him or her in an authentic way.
Abandon and be abandoned
A person who does not feel worthy of their partner may consider ending the relationship. In these cases, the union itself often becomes a source of anxiety. Deep down, there is not only the fear of being abandoned but also the conviction that it will be so. It is as if they think that the other “was wrong” to choose them and that when they notice it, they will abandon them.
Therefore, very often, these people end up leaving the relationship. It is a kind of “flight forward.” They take the initiative because they do not conceive of another possibility other than to finish sooner or later. After all, they think they shouldn’t be loved, so they see a relationship as a temporary hiatus in their lives.
Overcoming those childhood deficiencies becomes very difficult. It is not achieved just by wishing; far from it. It is even very frequent that the deep pain that is carried inside is not even recognized. It is one of those situations that, in general, can only be addressed and worked on in psychotherapy.
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