HomeLifestyleHealthSurprising habits that can harm your health

Surprising habits that can harm your health

We all know about the popular things that can harm your body. We know fried food is not great for your body. We know that cutting back on sugar is important. We know that exercise is necessary for to have a healthy body.

We also know the importance of maintaining healthy weight. But there are plenty of other and surprising ways that you may be harming your body.

These everyday habits that may appear innocuous on the surface but may also be the reason why you have been a constant at the Best Internal medicine Doctor in Lahore.

Some of these surprising ways that you may harming your health include:

Overindulging in caffeine

Sure, you need your daily dose of coffee for to start the day, and you just keep taking more and more of it to survive the rest of the day. However, too much caffeine is not good for your body.

Alongside causing dehydration, it can also posit health risks including impaired sleep. Therefore, moderate your caffeine intake. Try to limit yourself to a couple of cups only and take them earlier in the day so your sleep is not affected.

Not being careful about what you drink

You count the calorie that you ate, but what about those that you drank? We don’t realize just how much sugar goes in the common beverages like juices, sodas, fancy coffees, smoothies, shakes etc.

So, be mindful of what you drink. Try to stick to the basic water. Don’t fall for the low-fat or low-sugar traps!

Skipping meals

Many people feel proud of themselves when they skip meals, thanks to the obsession with weight, and not health. People think that cutting back on their overall caloric intake will be beneficial for you, but that is not entirely true.

When you starve yourself, you then change your body’s understanding and relationship with food. Moreover, skipping meals also then causes your body to feel lethargic, as it lacks the required energy.

So, do not skip meals. Take small and frequent meals. Have proper mealtimes and skipping breakfast should not be an option.

Indulging too much in take out

Take-out can be very convenient, especially if you have an otherwise busy schedule. But this convenience might also come at the cost of your health. These meals are often full of fat, sodium and devoid of nutrition. The portion size may also be bigger than required.

On the other hand, if you start to make yourself a meal of your own, you’d be more cognizant of the quality of ingredients being used, the portion size could be regulated, and you can work on making the meal more nutritious. There is also a lesser chance that you’d end up making yourself rich meal, every day.

Sitting all day long

You don’t sit out of choice; you have a desk job, so, you spend a major chunk of your day sitting on the desk. Then, commute is also composite majorly of sitting down.

And while you cannot fault yourself, but your health sure suffers great consequence of sitting all day, especially your heart. Being very sedentary also posits the risk of weight gain as well.

So, try to avoid sitting for long periods of time. Take frequent breaks and walk around. If possible, try to cycle or walk to work. Keep to a regular exercise schedule alongside as well.

Misunderstanding of the nutrition

Our lack of knowledge about nutrition can also do much damage around the body.

For example, there are many products like margarine and low-fat items that lead you to believe that they are healthier options.

But they are actually not that great for your health and may also be the reason you visited the Best Internal Medicine Specialist in Karachi. Therefore, make sure to read up on the misleading labels and the good nutrients so you can make better dietary choices.


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