HomeLifestyleHealthComplications Associated with Dialysis

Complications Associated with Dialysis

Patients undergoing dialysis should be aware of the complications. The nephrologist in Lahore can provide guidance regarding the procedure and associated complications. It will help the person be aware and prepared before the start of the treatment.

What is Hemodialysis?

It is a procedure that helps remove the toxins and excess fluid from the blood when the kidneys cannot function adequately. The procedure requires the patient to visit the hospital regularly. The individual has to follow a strict diet to avoid further complications and hindrances in the functioning of the other organs.

What conditions cause Kidney Failure?

The conditions that can affect kidney functioning and lead to permanent damage include:

  • An individual without taking proper treatment for hypertension and diabetes are at a higher risk of suffering from kidney failure.
  • The use of certain mediation and family history can increase the likelihood of kidney failure.
  • People exhibiting symptoms of kidney disease such as glomerulonephritis and PKD should immediately seek medical attention to avoid kidney failure and permanent damage to the vital organ.

What should the patient’s expectations of the procedure be?

The patient has to go to the hospital at least thrice a week. It takes three to five hours per session. The patient may suffer from nausea and abdominal cramps during the procedure. The caretakers closely monitor the blood sugar levels and blood pressure.

What are the associated complications of hemodialysis?

The health risks related to hemodialysis are:

  • Increased Risk of Hypotension: The patients undergoing dialysis treatment are more likely to suffer from a decrease in blood pressure as a side effect. It causes the patient to suffer from unbearable pain in the abdominal region, cramps, shortness of breath, and nausea.
  • Experiencing Muscle Cramping: The change in the sodium levels can lead to discomfort ad cramping.
  • Sleeping Disorders: The patient undergoing hemodialysis suffers from weakness, discomfort, and shortness of breath that affect the quality and sleep pattern.
  • Redness and Itchiness on Skin: The patients may notice changes in their skin color and texture during and after the treatment. The patients often complain about skin itchiness during the procedure.
  • Higher Risk of Anemia: The patient suffering from kidney failure suffers from low production of erythropoietin. The protein is responsible for the formation of red blood cells. Hence, the patient is more likely to suffer from anemia and related complications, due to poor physical health and restricted dietary intake.
  • Excessive Accumulation of Fluid in the Body: Individuals may follow the guideline of their specialist. The intake of excess fluid can lead to pulmonary edema and become the cause of death.
  • High Risk of Pericarditis: The patient must not delay their treatment, as it can affect the functioning of the heart and lead to pericarditis.
  • Anxiety and Depression: The treatment, pain, and lack of support during the treatment can cause the patient to suffer from anxiousness and distress. It can affect the success of the treatment. Hence, the patient must seek professional help and join a support group.
  • Higher Risk of Amyloidosis: The treatment can cause the accumulation of proteins in the joints. The patient is at a higher risk of suffering from amyloidosis and related complications.
  • Access Site Problems: The patient must prioritize their health and stay in a hygienic environment to avoid infection, which may worsen the condition and increase the risk of failure of other vital organs.
  • Hypokalemia and Hyperkalemia: Hemodialysis can remove excess potassium from the body. The patient has to have a stringent diet with low nutritional intake. The decrease in potassium levels can lead to irregular heartbeats and affect heart functioning.

Individuals suffering from the symptoms of kidney failure should immediately confer with the best nephrologist in Islamabad. The doctor will conduct tests to understand the cause and the severity of the disease. The treatment will help the organs’ function and improve the overall health of the patient.


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