HomeTechFind the Name of Someone You Forgot

Find the Name of Someone You Forgot

It can be annoying to forget someone’s name, but don’t be embarrassed. Finding yourself is a very common situation – it can happen to everyone at the same time. Psychological research shows that a person’s name is the least likely aspect of remembering new friends and is more likely to be forgotten than work, hometown or hobbies. The best way to realize you’ve forgotten someone’s name is to learn what you can do to fix the problem.

Online Search – People Search Engine

You can do this easily by returning to your private location and taking out your smartphone. Most people have enough information about themselves online that online search engines often display someone’s name by entering information about someone you own. Enter the information you have about someone (the city where he lives, his college or workplace, any other affiliation you can think of).

After entering all possible information about the person into the search engine, search for “images” to narrow down the results. After all, you know what that guy looks like – especially if you’re still around him!

Social media sites use shared information to find people quickly, because the person you know is bound to have traces of social media use.

Search him online by phone number. Entering that person’s phone number into Enamefinder, an online people search engine, will give you plenty of results. These are filtered by relevance, so you only need to look at the most likely options listed at the top.


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