Procedure of Khula ka Notice:
If you want to know about khula ka notice or the procedure of khula in Pakistan, you may contact us. If the husband wants to stay in the marriage, he must pay all of u. He calculates the outside value (T -m) and then compares it to the value of being married while still paying the full amount of mahr. He then calculates his net marital value: U (M-T – (1-1) (Figure 8). His comparison now is between U (M), his utility in being married, and T (+ (1 – 1), which is right next to his original threat line, T. He would accept his wife’s offer to khula ka notice or the procedure of khula in Pakistan her as long as U(M) is less than T+ (1 -). If she gives up all her mahr and is a=0, the highest value of an external option her wife can offer her husband using mahr would be to give up all her mahr.
Utility of Marriage:
If the husband decides that the utility and utility of marriage are greater than the total utility for divorce, U (M), > The will decline to accept the offer. The wife’s utility in marriage will increase by the amount of U that was not calculated in the original bargaining strength of the couple. In the long-term, their joint utility of marriage will return to the original position if u was fully calculated in their bargaining power prior to the transaction.
Spouse face:
Even if the spouse faces an outside option that is more expensive, she cannot leave the marriage until the husband has paid the full mahr value after khula ka notice or the procedure of khula in Pakistan. The husband will have to shift the outside option more often if mahr is higher. Higher mahr values decrease the right side U (M > T – ), which increases the chance that the husband will be attracted to a level of (1–a).
Procedure of Khula in Pakistan:
The wife for khula ka notice or the procedure of khula in Pakistan considers the largest A that would make her husband choose between staying married and the outside option. Or, in other words: the amount of a that causes the spouse to be indifferent. The wife can also renegotiate her bargaining power within their household. If the husband has a high net positive utility to marriage and is unable to pay mahr due to his ability to give up more to improve his wife’s marriage utility, this could happen. If the wife believes that her mahr was calculated in the value b, and she has a lower utility than her other options, she might be able to use her mahr after khula ka notice or the procedure of khula in Pakistan.
Both Spouses:
Eventually, both spouses could end up in Area C. This is where both have a positive benefit of being married and no transfer of mahr. This is especially true if the husband cannot pay the entire value of mahr. A higher mahr value increases the chance that the husband will consent to divorce without the new policy. He will accept a reduced amount of mahr. Otherwise, he may agree to stay in the marriage and be forced to pay any mahr that he can.