As we know, yoga is the best at fighting unstable emotional states and helps to achieve relaxation and peace. Therefore, a number of asanas must be tried that can help us to reduce headaches, and provide a complete elimination. So before you swallow the pill, you better try the poses we suggest over here. It is not necessary to perform all the following asanas in case of a headache. Try them one by one. Sometimes already during the first posture brings relief, but try all to get quick help and support.
Start with a simple exercise-tadasana (Mountain pose) as it will help to correct posture, stretch the muscles of the upper body, and relieves tension in the forehead, temples, nape, neck and shoulders as well. In general, clamps in the cervical spine often provoke a headache and to eliminate them and stretch the cervical vertebrae, slowly tilt your head from side to side, slightly helping yourself with your hand. Shoulder rotation is another good exercise that helps relieve tension in the upper body.
The next pose is- Adho Mukha of Svanasana or Downward Dog, which is an important pose to cure headaches. The position provides a rush of blood to the head and releases tension from the shoulders. However, when this asana is inverted, there may be a feeling of increased pressure in the head when it is performed. In this case, replace the posture with a straight angle, where the head does not fall below the level of the heart, and painful sensations won’t arise. You can also rest your forehead against the back of a chair when performing a right-angle Pose. Then try to lower yourself by placing your straight arms on the seat of the chair. Finally, the output is in a full downward Dog you can make your support the head on a yoga brick.
One can go with the Viparita Karani without support under the pelvis, but support the legs throughout their length to the wall. Stay in the pose for 15-20 minutes. It is possible to strengthen the healing effect of the asana, and during the same one can put a bag of sand. This technique is necessary in order to switch your attention from the head to the feet and help you not to dwell on the pain. Exhalations can send down your grounding pain and one can try out the best asanas for stress and headache, including- the bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana), the pose Caught Lying Angle (Baddha Supta of Konasana), the Pose of a hero’s face down (Adhomukha Virasana), etc.
However, there are times when the headache is so severe that you want to turn off the light and lie in complete darkness and silence, not moving here and there. One must go with the makarskaya corpse Pose – Savasana and remain in this position for at least 10 minutes and breathe the full yogic breath. Imagine how with every breath of your headache slowly drips down the neck and looks like warm massage oil. In addition to diaphragmatic breathing for headaches, the following pranayamas will help relieve tension: alternate breathing of one nostril Nadi Shodhana Pranayama, Ajayi (Victorious breathing), cooling breath Sitali Pranayama, etc. Headaches are good for nothing as they won’t allow you to concentrate on your work and at the same time you can’t take a good rest at all, hence it is essential to opt for yoga and avoid headaches and migraine in the best possible manner. The suggestRishikeshed poses are the best and easy to perform so get started with the same to make your life full of happiness and wellness.
If you want to get certified and start your own yoga school then you can join 200 hour yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh and start a new career.