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5 Ways To Make Your Life Exciting

Ironically, we spend our childhood willing ourselves to grow up so we can do whatever we want to do. Then, once we are adults, our life turns into a monotonous cycle, and we start longing for our carefree childhood. Although adulting has its challenges, it is not all bad, especially if you figure out how to get out of your rut and make your life more fun. The following are five ways you can make your life more exciting.  

Become More Open To Meeting New People 

When we were kids, making a new friend was as easy as simply asking the other kid, do you want to play with me? Once we hit adulthood, making a new friend feels like the most challenging thing because there is so much self-consciousness. Becoming more open to meeting new people is one of the best ways to create a more exciting life for yourself. Why would you want to pigeonhole your life and prospects to those you already know?  

Finding someone who leads a strikingly different life than yours can open up new doors and make you do things you would never have done before. So the next time you feel bored and in a rut, head out the door to find people you can connect with on a deeper level. You can also try helpful websites to find people to hang out with. Singles near me is an excellent example of an online spot where you can find people to meet and connect with. 

woman sitting on stall near wall mounted desk

Step Away From Your Routine 

Routines have their advantages. If you have goals, a routine can help you stay on top of your game and get to where you want to go. Still, there are times when a pattern can make you feel like you are stuck in a rut. So if you want more excitement in your life, change up your routine in simple ways. For instance, you can grab a coffee from a different café than your regular one.  

Simple changes allow you to take a different route to work and maybe meet someone you would never have met. You can try another class rather than your usual cycling or yoga class and head to different restaurants or spots than you would usually go. Trying new things by changing what you typically do is a simple but effective way to see your life in a new light and find other things to get excited about. 

Pursue Your Wildest Dreams 

One of the most significant pressures of adulting is being responsible enough to take care of yourself financially. Although being financially independent is an integral part of growing up, it does not mean you have to forgo pursuing your wildest dreams. Think of the things you dreamed of as a kid. What did you dream of doing? From singing on stage to writing books, flying airplanes, or climbing a mountain, we all dreamed of leading the wildest, most exciting lives when we were kids. 

But as we grow up, skepticism and fear stop us from pursuing them. Although quitting your job without a plan is not the best way to do things for most people, you can make a sound plan to pursue your dreams and be part of the world you have always dreamed of. So if you have always wanted to be a singer, why not hit local pubs and other spots where you can get a gig as a singer? If you have always dreamed of being an drawing artist, or you love drawing creative mandala art, why aren’t you spending your free time getting that story on the page? 

woman in black long sleeve shirt using macbook 

Stop Overthinking And Listen To Your Gut 

Our childhood is more carefree than our adulthood because we don’t have that scathing inner voice overwhelming us with anxious thoughts and emotions. Overthinking is a joy killer. Although we need our minds to navigate through certain things, we do not need to overthink everything because it sucks the joy out of our lives.  


So when you find yourself overthinking the simplest things in your life, stop. Instead, choose to listen to what your gut is telling you. Once you stop overthinking, you have an opportunity to listen to something deeper within you. Deep down, you know what is best for you. All you need to do is be still enough to listen to what your gut is telling you.  

Be More Present 

Presence is the most effective thing you can do to bring more excitement into your life. Yet this ostensibly simple habit is often the most challenging to adopt. Being present is about quieting your mind, so you do not think about past events or future scenarios. It is about waking up in the morning with fresh eyes as if you were seeing the world for the first time and finding the beauty in the ordinariness around you.  

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The Bottom Line  

Presence is the bearer of the best lesson anyone can learn, which is that sometimes we do not need to change anything about our life. Sometimes our life is beautiful just as it is, and the only thing we need to do is come back to the present moment and find the extraordinary in the ordinary. 


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