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Good Luck At School! Thoughts For Teachers…

Good Luck At School! Thoughts For Teachers

Thoughts, are important thing of humans body, if our thoughts will stay clear, not confused , not negative. Then our body will stay healthy. If there will be negative thoughts, confused thoughts , we are not  able to step forward in a good way in life is every part of field. Shyness is the feeling of anxiety / embarrassment that some people feel when they have to interact with others. We see it many times: the child who is afraid to interact with colleagues, who is fearful, who keeps his eyes down when we talk to him, is lonely, looks dreamy or sad, etc.

We must not forget that our role: school or family is overwhelming to identify solutions when dealing with a shy child. They find out who they are by interacting with those around them ”(Kersey apud Markway, 2021). Here is the key to the whole adult step. 

But it’s not that easy. The shy child does not always show the same way. Gazzelle (according to Kennedy-Moore, 2021) notes that there are three types of shy children:

“Pleasant” shy children – those who, although they do not initiate any contact with those around them, respond warmly when others “come to them”.

Shy children “immature” – withdraw from social situations, and when they still try to take a few steps in the direction of others do so in a way that others may categorize as annoying and exaggerated childhood. They can be irritating and are more often avoided by other children than those in the previous category.

“Aggressive” shy children – those who, although they do not want to interact with other children, when this happens it is an aggressive way of manifesting – which leads to the fact that these children are often rejected, excluded or even assault those you come in contact with.

But regardless of the type of shyness, some general rules must be followed.

For example, Wallace (2021) advises us never to state in person that others are “shy.” Let’s not say, for example, “It’s too shy to say ‘Hello!’ right now ”and give them time to do so. The child should never be forced to behave in a way that shyness blocks because we will only make him feel embarrassed and even more closed in on him!

Have a discussion with shy students at the end of the day so that they feel encouraged, supported and secured in their endeavor. Provide constant feedback on the progress they are making.

Talk to your parents and see if the shy behavior is the same in class and at home. Invite the parent to school for hours to work together to develop a safe and trusting environment for the shy student. Sometimes, says the author, shy children are also the result of “contagion” at home: dominant parents or who are also shy.

Instead, we can prepare the child in advance, we can put him in hypothetical situations that he can solve mentally before they happen in reality. By preparing him for reality, we will give him more confidence in expressing and managing what is happening to him!

Moreover, Markway (2021) even gives us a set of rules that are good to follow in school when working with shy children:

As we do with other students (especially the shy ones), find those things that are points of interest that they like to discuss, topics that can give them more security in a conversation;

Put the shy child next to children who make friends easily and give them the opportunity to do extracurricular projects together (so there is a better chance of interactions outside of school and even friends who may be a basis for what happens next , at school!)

Start with the shy child’s strong point and ask him or her to help his or her less-trained classmates excel in the subject they are excelling in. and thus be able to interact with them in his comfort zone)

We can teach all children (and shy ones in particular) rules of interaction, standard phrases that “open” a communication (like “can I play with you too? “)

We can integrate them into a teaching task that involves them moving around the classroom and collaborating with other colleagues. In this way they will learn more easily how to cooperate with others and will identify better ways to interact.

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Author : al muhammadi academy URL : https://almuhammadiacademy.com


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