HomeLifestyleHow to put a wig on properly

How to put a wig on properly

Wigs are popular for women who need to disguise their appearance, but many people don’t know how to put one on properly. In this article, we will go through the steps you need to take to put on a wig successfully.


Wigs can be a fun and intriguing fashion accessory, but it’s essential to know how to put one on properly to achieve the desired look. In this article, we’ll cover the basics of wig installation and how to customize your wig for the best results.

How to Put on a Wig

Putting on a pink skunk stripe wig can be tricky, so here are some tips to make it easier.

  1. Start by securing your hair in a bun or a secure high ponytail. This will help keep the wig in place while you put it on.
  2. Cut a small hole near the end of the wig cap to fit over your head. Gently insert the wig cap into the hole and twist until it is secure. Make sure that the wig is centered on your head before twisting.
  3. Carefully section off your hair with clips or barrettes, then pull them through the hole in the wig cap. Be sure to orient them, so they cover most of your scalp and hold them in place while you put on the wig.
  4. Pull the top of the wig down over your head and tuck it behind your ears. Pin it in place if needed with hairpins or bobby pins.
  5. Slip on the straps of the wig and adjust them as needed to fit comfortably around your head. Make sure they are secured at either side of your head with tight-fitting elastic bands (you may need two bands).
  6. Make sure the wig is fitted correctly before you start. Wigs come in different shapes and sizes, so if yours doesn’t fit well when you try it on in the store, it probably won’t fit better once you get it home. Most wigs can be adjusted to fit, but sometimes this needs to be done by a professional.
  7. Start by putting on the cap. The cap should fit snugly and not fall off while wearing the wig. Some wigs come with clips to secure the cap, or you can use hair ties to hold it in place.
  8. Next, put on the bandeau or headband. This band is usually elastic and should fit comfortably around your head without being too tight or loose. Make sure that the bandeau doesn’t ride up over your forehead or hairline and that it covers your hair completely from the front of your head to the back. If necessary, adjust the bandeau to be even around your head.

Tips for styling a wig

Putting on a wig can be a pain if you’re anything like me. But with patience and know-how, you can put one on like a pro!

Here are some tips for styling a deep wave wig properly:

  1. Make sure the wig is fitted well. An excellent way to do this is to try it on and then use a hair band to pull it tight against your head. This will ensure that the wig sits correctly on your head and won’t slide around.
  2. Apply plenty of hairspray to the hairpiece before putting it on. This will help hold it in place and make it look less natural.
  3. Use pins to create an attractive style. You can pin the top of the wig so that it’s styled in a particular way or use clips to hold it in place while you’re doing your makeup or clothes.
  4. Let the wig air dry after you’ve styled it. This will help restore its original shape and make it easier to remove later on if needed.


Putting on a wig can be tricky, but it will be a breeze with the right tips. Here are four easy steps to help you put on your wig correctly:

  1. Make sure your wig is appropriately conditioned and tangle-free.
  2. Pin the front of the wig in place so that it is level and flat against your head.
  3. Put the band over your head and adjust it to fit comfortably.
  4. Pull down the straps until they are tight against your scalp, then hold them in place with one hand while you use the other to start brushing or spraying hair extensions into position.


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