HomeLifestyleHealthLaser Hair Removal: Precautions, Procedures & Cost in India

Laser Hair Removal: Precautions, Procedures & Cost in India

If you want to remove your unwanted body hair, but the traditional hair removal treatments like shaving or waxing feel too much work to you, you can consider laser hair removal. It is a safer procedure that provides long-term results than other hair removal treatments.

In this article, Dr. Anju Methil,  a renowned dermatologist in Andheri West, discusses laser hair removal.

What is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is a procedure that uses a laser (a concentrated beam of light) to remove unwanted body hair.

During the procedure, a laser emits light absorbed by the melanin (pigment) in the hair. This light energy is converted to heat. It damages the hair follicles in your skin. This damage prolongs future hair growth.

Laser hair removal does have long-term effects, but it is not a permanent solution for hair removal. You will require multiple sessions for hair removal initially, and you may also need maintenance treatments.  It is most effective for people having light skin and dark hair.

Dr. Anju Methil is one of the best dermatologists in Andheri West (India). She has years of experience of providing laser hair removal treatments.

Why is it done?

Laser hair removal is used to reduce unwanted hair. The standard treatment locations are armpits, legs, upper lip, bikini line, and chin, says Dr. Anju, renowned dermatologist in Andheri West.

The treatment can be done on any area of the body except for the eyelid and the area surrounding your eyes. If you have tattoos, that skin cannot be treated either.

Your hair’s color and skin type affect the success of laser hair removal. The hair’s pigment should absorb the laser light and not the skin’s pigment. Your skin should not be damaged; your hair follicles should be.

That’s why contrasting skin and hair color gives the best outcomes.

Precautions before the procedure

If you are considering getting laser hair removal, you should look for a board-certified doctor with a specialty such as cosmetic surgery or dermatology. They should also have experience with laser hair removal.

Before getting the treatment, you should schedule an appointment with your doctor to decide if the treatment option is right for you. Your doctor may do the following:

  • They will review your medical history. This can include medications, any history of scarring or skin disorders, and any hair removal procedures in the past.
  • It would help if you discussed expectations, benefits, and risks with your doctor.
  • You can take pictures of before and after procedures for long-term reviews.
  • It would be best if you also discussed your treatment plan and the cost of the procedure.

Your doctor will also give you instructions to prepare for hair removal. This can include: 

1. Staying out of the sun

You should stay out of the sun as much as possible and apply a broad spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 whenever you go out before and after the procedure.

2. Lightning the skin

It would help if you avoided any creams that can darken your skin. Your doctor may recommend a skin bleaching cream if you have had tanning recently.

3. Avoiding other hair removal methods

Waxing and plucking your hair can disturb the hair follicles, so you should avoid these for at least four weeks before your laser hair removal.

4. Avoiding blood-thinning medications

You should ask your doctor about what medications to avoid before the treatment.

5. Shaving the treatment area

Your doctor will recommend you trim and shave the procedure area before the treatment. It is done so that the hair on the upper surface of your skin won’t cause any damage to your skin because of burning the follicles.


According to Dr. Anju, laser hair removal treatment involves the following steps:

  • Your doctor will clean the area of treatment.
  • They will give you protective glasses to wear before the procedure.
  • Then your doctor will treat the treatment area with a laser. This may feel like stings. 
  • The procedure may take a few minutes if the treatment area is smaller, or it can take up to an hour if the treatment area is more significant.
  • You may smell smoke or burning hair, which is expected as the hair follicles burn due to the laser’s heat.

After the procedure, your skin may feel swollen and red. You may also feel some pain. You apply some ice to the treated area.


According to Dr. Anju, a dermatologist in Andheri West, the following are the advantages of laser hair removal:

  • Laser hair removal results last longer than shaving, waxing, plucking, or tweezing.
  • Lasers can precisely target dark, coarse hair and leave the surrounding area undamaged.
  • Laser hair removal does not consume much time. It can take up to an hour to complete, and the results last longer.
  • It is not as painful as some other hair removal procedures.
  • Other treatments of hair removal can cause ingrown hair. Laser hair removal does not cause ingrown hair. 

Side Effects

Laser hair removal risks can vary with skin types, treatment plans, hair color, and pre and post-treatment care.

Some of the most common side effects include:

  • Swelling, redness, and discomfort after laser hair removal are common. These symptoms generally go away after a few hours.
  • Laser hair removal treatment may lighten or darken the skin that has been treated. These changes can be temporary or permanent.
  • Infections
  • Scars
  • Blisters


The cost of laser hair removal in India starts from Rs. 1400 per session. The average cost of a laser hair removal procedure in India ranges from Rs.10500 to Rs.50000.

The cost of laser hair removal varies depending on the different factors, says Dr. Anju. Some of them are:

  • Size of the area of treatment
  • Number of sessions required
  • Location
  • Time required for the treatment        


The laser hair removal procedure is a safe and effective way to remove unwanted hair. The heat from the laser helps remove the hair and destroys the hair follicles.

The treatment does not provide a permanent solution for hair removal, but the results are more long-lasting than any other hair removal treatment.

You can visit Dr. Anju Methil, a dermatologist in Andheri West, to learn more about the treatment.

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