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Sports Injury: Types, Diagnosis, and Treatment in Jaipur

If you play sports, you must know how painful a sports injury is. Injuries are very common in the world of sports. It is important to know that only a specialist can treat sports wounds. 

In this article, Dr. Dilip Mehta is one of the best sports injury specialist in Jaipur.Dr. Dilip Mehta has 15+ years of experience diagnosing and treating sports injuries and other orthopedic conditions and also he is the best sports injury doctor in Jaipur.

Read on to know more about the different types of sports injury, diagnosis and its treatments.

Types of sports injuries

Some types of sports injuries are mentioned below,

  • Fractures: A factor occurs when the bone breaks. If you have a fracture, then seek medical attention immediately.
  • Cartilage tear: Some bones’ ends are covered and shielded by cartilage, a strong but flexible shock absorber. Joints, including your shoulder and knee, can sustain cartilage damage.
  • Concussion: A bump or blow to the head might injure your brain, resulting in a concussion(temporary unconsciousness or confusion caused by a blow on the head)
  • Dislocation: A dislocation happens when the end of a bone shifts from the joint’s usual position. Your shoulder, for instance, is dislocated if it pops out of its socket.
  • Sprains: Ligaments maintain joint stability and link bones. A ligament sprain occurs when it extends too far or tears. These wounds can be minor or severe and frequently affect the ankle, knee, and wrist.
  • Strain: A strain happens when a muscle is overextended to the point of stretching or tearing. Hamstring, back, and abdominal strains are a few examples.

Symptoms of sports injury

Some symptoms of sports injury include:

  • Bruising
  • Tenderness, pain, and ache
  • Deformity
  • Bone looking out of place
  • Cracking, clicking, or popping noise
  • Stiffness or weakness
  • Swelling
  • Trouble or pain moving your body
  • Cannot bear weight on the lower part of the body.

Diagnosis of sports injury

The location, type, and intensity of a sports injury determine its diagnosis. To assess your range of motion and check for damage symptoms such as swelling, deformity, redness, and bruising, your sports medicine specialist will likely start with a thorough physical examination.

Your doctor will enquire specifically about how the injury happened, whether it started abruptly or developed gradually, and which activities make you feel discomfort.

Imaging is often necessary after injuries to see how your bones or connective tissues are damaged. Depending on the injury’s location and kind, imaging tests for sports injuries can include x-rays, MRIs, CT scans, and ultrasounds.

You may also have blood work done to check for chemical imbalances or other problems in your body, Dr. Dilip Mehta, one of the best sports injury specialist in Jaipur.

Treatment of sports injury

With rest, ice, compression, and elevation, many sports injuries will heal on their own (RICE). Others could need more intensive care, such as surgery, physical therapy, bracing, or rehabilitation, says Dr Dilip Mehta, one of the best sports injury specialists in Jaipur.

Not all sports medicine physicians offer surgical treatments. Sports-related injuries can be surgically treated by orthopedic surgeons who have completed fellowships in sports medicine.

Some serious treatments could include

  • Immobilization with a walking boot, cast, splint, sling, or other medical devices.
  • Injections to lessen pain and swelling.
  • Anti-inflammatory prescription drugs.
  • Surgery to repair ligament, tendon, or cartilage injuries or to fix fractures.
  • Physical therapy (often referred to as rehabilitation or rehab) is used to strengthen and heal broken body parts.


Preventing sports injuries is not always possible, but you can reduce your risk by:

  • Using the right form
  • Using the right tools
  • Ensure that you are physically and mentally prepared for a particular activity
  • After an injury, relaxation
  • Ensure that you warm up and cool down before and following an activity

Stopping playing or exercising when you become hurt is one of the most important stages in preventing sports injuries. Never ignore or downplay aches and pains that persist. Pushing through the discomfort could make things worse and keep you from working for longer.

RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) is typically the following step, followed if necessary by over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs.

You should seek medical attention if you experience excruciating pain, swelling, numbness, deformity, or inability to put weight on or move a joint or limb.

If you are residing in Jaipur or nearby, then you can visit Dr. Dilip Mehta at his clinic “360 knee clinic” for the best treatment. 

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