HomeTechSix Essential Google Analytics Reports You Should Know

Six Essential Google Analytics Reports You Should Know

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic,” said Arthur C. Clarke, an English science-fiction writer, science writer, futurist, inventor, undersea explorer, and television series host.

Google Analytics Reporting is not just about checking the number of visitors to your website. Provided you know where to look, you can get important information about how your visitors are attracted to your website. You can find out why people come to your website, why they don’t stay more than a few minutes and why they don’t receive or follow your newsletter, the sky is the limit from there.

Of course, when you’re inundated with so much information, it can be difficult to say where to look or which reports analyzing. To help you hone your research skills and get the insights and answers you really want, we’ve put together six Google Analytics reports you can’t miss.

Here are the six main Google Analytics reports you need to know.

Mobile device verification report:

Today and in more advanced times, almost everyone uses mobile gadgets to search for reliable information or buy things quickly. If a website is slow or difficult to use, people will find better places to look. The Mobile Overview report is the primary Google Analytics report that allows website owners to see where the trouble spots are on their mobile site. If your site isn’t mobile-friendly, customers won’t stay long to learn more about your organization or posts. However, Google will penalize you by lowering your ranking if your website is not mobile-friendly. Another interesting part of this report is that you can use Google Analytics to see which gadgets users use to view your mobile website, as well as the channels through which they access it. The Mobile Overview report shows you potential mobile enhancement opportunities that can result in increased traffic and rankings.

Channel report:

One of the more powerful Google Analytics Reporting is the channel report. With the information from this report, you can understand how much of your traffic is coming from explicitly paid channels versus ignored channels – natural, paid, direct, referrals, and, surprisingly, social media. From this point, you can see the number of customers you have, how long they have stayed on your site and if you think they have changed on your site towards the following goals. Knowing these insights is important because you want to know which channels need improvement. If your traffic is dropping or your bob rate is going up year after year, you know where to start making adjustments.

Navigation overview:

Another important Google Analytics Reporting is the Navigation Overview. In this overview, you can see the most popular methods customers use to reach specific URLs on your website. You can also specify which URLs you might want to analyze, as well as the time period. Another great part of this report is being able to see what they usually do and what they follow while browsing your website. This information is valuable for several reasons. An example of what is important to the customer becomes clear. You can see which paths and sides you need to upgrade and if you need to add alternative routes.

Landing page report:

The next important report is the Landing Pages report. If you want to see which pages are visited the most and where customers are coming from, check out this report. Information such as the number of objective changes received from the main page where the customer landed can be retrieved from this report. Likewise, you can see the number of people who landed on your page and linked to your site versus people who left straight away. Assuming a lot of customers leave a certain page immediately, you may need to make that page really engaging or reduce page load time to increase customer retention.

Website Speed ​​Check Report:

Another important Google Analytics report is the Site Speed ​​Review report. Google can tell you which pages are loading slowly and some of the reasons. Slow pages are a problem because users are less likely to stay on your page if they take too long to think about loading. Google also gives you advice on how best to improve your page speed and, ideally, develop your customer relationships. While viewing this report, you can also view normal page and browser load times.

Click here https://axiomq.com/blog/6-online-marketing-strategies-you-should-implement-in-your-business/ to know more.


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