HomeLifestyleHealthThe Benifits of a Gym Membership

The Benifits of a Gym Membership

A gym is a great place to build muscle and lose weight. It can also improve the blood circulation to your heart and regulate your stress and anxiety levels. If you’re not sure what gym membership is for, read on. We’ve listed a few of the benefits below. Regardless of your age or fitness level, a workout in a gym can help you improve your physical and mental health. But you’ll need to know what exactly a gym has to offer.

Many health benefits are associated with exercising, including improved blood circulation to the heart.

Exercise improves blood circulation to your heart

Regular exercise increases the heart’s rate, causing it to pump blood more efficiently. This boost in circulation allows more oxygenated blood to reach the heart’s muscles. As the circulatory system improves, exercise can also improve its ability to dilate blood vessels. These changes in blood flow lead to lowered blood pressure. These benefits aren’t limited to the heart, though. So if you read more about health then click on this Health Benefits.

Reduces stress levels

A study conducted by Dr. Yorks found that regular exercise reduces stress levels in medical students. Inactive lifestyles are known to increase stress levels. In one study, she recruited 69 medical students prone to high levels of stress and poor quality of life. The study participants were allowed to self-select into a 12-week exercise program, while the control group remained inactive. Every four weeks, the participants completed a survey to determine their levels of perceived stress and quality of life.

Regulates anxiety levels

Scientists have discovered that physical activity can regulate anxiety levels. Physical activity reorganizes the brain, and a study conducted at Princeton University has revealed this connection. The results of the study are reported in the Journal of Neuroscience. When mice engaged in regular exercise, their activity spiked and their ventral hippocampus showed a significant shut-off of excitement. This area is known for its role in regulating anxiety.

Helps build muscle

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recommends that adults, children, and adolescents participate in some strength training at least once a week. Strength training is best incorporated into children’s physical activity plans during the formative years and for adolescents and adults, it is recommended that an adult complete two moderate muscle-strengthening workouts per week. Strength training can also have a significant impact on one’s health, including improving cardiovascular function and decreasing the risk of certain diseases.

Improves brainpower

It may sound counterintuitive, but studies have shown that doing gym exercises can actually improve your brainpower. In particular, intense exercise has been show to enhance vocabulary learning. Researchers have linked the spike in brain chemicals that accompany a rigorous workout to greater speed in processing new words. Exercises that challenge the brain, such as aerobic exercises and resistance exercises, are more effective at stimulating the gray matter and thus enhancing memory and brain function.

Improves memory

Research has shown that regular workouts can help improve memory. Studies have shown that the hippocampus (the part of the brain responsible for long-term memory) grows in size after intense physical activity. Those who exercised showed greater memory gains, with the results even greater among younger subjects. One study even found that exercise increased the amount of cathepsin B in the blood. Clearly, regular exercise can improve memory!

Improves mood

Exercise, whether in a gym or at home, has numerous benefits for your mood. Whether you are lifting weights, jogging, or simply stretching, exercise improves your mood by increasing your activity level and decreasing your symptoms of depression. It has also been shown to improve your energy levels, which is an important factor in combating the symptoms of depression. Moreover, physical activity can also help you cope with stress and anxiety.


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