HomeTips & TricksThe Pros and Cons of Using Table Coverings

The Pros and Cons of Using Table Coverings

There are many reasons why you might want to use table coverings. Perhaps you’re hosting a dinner party and want to add a touch of class, or maybe you’re catering an event and need to keep the tables clean. Whatever the reason, it’s important to know the pros and cons of using coverings before making a decision.

On the plus side, coverings can add a touch of sophistication to any event. They can also help protect your tables from spills and other damage. On the downside, coverings can be expensive and they can be a hassle to clean up afterward.

So, what’s the verdict? Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to use coverings is up to you. If you think they’ll add to the event, then go for it. However, if you’re not sure or you’re worried about the cost or clean up, then you might want to skip them.

Table coverings can be a great way to dress up your tables and add a touch of class to any event. However, they also come with some downsides that you should be aware of before making a decision. Ultimately, the choice is yours!

Reasons You Might Want to Use Table Coverings:

1. They Can Add a Touch of Sophistication

If you’re hosting a dinner party or other formal event, table coverings can help give the occasion a more sophisticated feel. White tablecloths are especially popular for elegant events, but you can find coverings in a variety of colors and styles to suit any taste.

2. They Can Help Protect Your Tables

Table coverings can also help protect your tables from damage. If you’re worried about spills or other accidents, a covering can give you some peace of mind. This is especially important if you’re using valuable or delicate tableware.

3. They Can Keep the Tables Clean

If you’re catering an event, table coverings can help keep the tables clean between courses. This is especially important if you’re serving food that’s likely to make a mess, such as spaghetti or barbecue.

Reasons You Might Not Want to Use Table Coverings:

1. They Can Be Expensive

Table coverings can be a significant expense, especially if you’re hosting a large event. If you’re on a tight budget, you might want to skip the coverings or use less expensive alternatives, such as table runners.

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2. They Can Be a Hassle to Clean Up

Another downside of table coverings is that they can be a hassle to clean up afterward. If you’re using disposable coverings, you’ll need to throw them away. If you’re using washable coverings, you’ll need to launder them after the event. Either way, it’s extra work that you might not want to deal with.

3. They Might Not Be Necessary

Depending on the type of event you’re hosting, table coverings might not be necessary. If you’re having a casual get-together, for example, your guests probably won’t mind if the tables are bare. In fact, they might even prefer it!

The Bottom Line:

The decision of whether or not to use table coverings is up to you. If you think they’ll add to the event, then go for it. However, if you’re not sure or you’re worried about the cost or clean up, then you might want to skip them.


1. What are some alternatives to table coverings?

If you’re looking for cheaper alternatives to coverings, you could try using table runners or placemats. You could also forego table coverings altogether and simply use your regular dinnerware.

2. Will my guests mind if I don’t use table coverings?

It depends on the type of event you’re hosting. If it’s a casual get-together, your guests probably won’t mind if the tables are bare. However, if it’s a more formal occasion, they might expect to see covered tables.

3. How can I make sure my tables look clean without using coverings?

If you’re worried about spills or other accidents, you could try using placemats or table runners. You could also use disposable coverings that can be easily thrown away.


Ultimately, the choice of whether or not to use coverings is up to you and depends on your specific event. If you think they’ll add to the event, then go for it. However, if you’re not sure or you’re worried about the cost or clean up, then you might want to skip them.


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