HomeEducationThe terrifying meaning behind "back-to-school necklace"

The terrifying meaning behind “back-to-school necklace”

The phrase “back to school necklaces”, has a dark meaning

Protecting your children from harm is your top priority as a parent. But sometimes, it can be hard for parents to see the danger signs.

For example, if your child talks about “back-to school necklaces”, it is likely that you assume they are talking about friendship jewelry. However, the phrase refers to something very dark, and even frightening.

What is a Back to School Necklace? What does it represent?

Google quickly revealed that the phrase “back to school” necklace is actually a euphemism. It refers to a noose. This phrase is used as code to commit suicide by hanging.

Urban Dictionary – who records the meanings for slang terms – provides the following definitions:

“A back to school necklace” is another name for a noose. This is because you feel utter despair when school gets back up.

“School started yesterday. I could not take the pain anymore so my mom bought me a back to class necklace.”

Back to school necklace memes

You can see the trend on social media, as well as many other youth trends, that back the phrase “back to school” necklaces are being used in memes and hashtags.

The most prominent back to school necklace meme comes from a Google image Search, which returns images of a noose when you type in the phrase.

Reactions from Twitter on ‘Back to School’ Necklaces

Children seem to be innocuously searching for jewelry when they return to school for the first time.

Rising suicide rate among young people

When you consider that suicide among youth is on the rise, the popularity of “back to school” necklaces is particularly alarming.

According to data from the Office of National Statistics in 2015, 232 young people (10-19 years) took their own life in 2015, compared with 179 in 2013.

What is the back-toschool necklace’?

Urban Dictionary – a website dedicated defining new slang phrases – says that a “back to school necklace” is another name for an “unose”. This is due the feeling of total despair that you get when school gets back up.

One Twitter user uploaded a photo and captioned the caption: “Currently making a back to school necklace!!

Sometimes, pressure from family, schoolwork or peers can be too much for children to handle.

A study published in The British Journal of Psychiatrystatistics (opens in new window) in February 2015 by The Guardian shows that seven percent of UK’s children have attempted suicide by the time they turn 17.

It was also clear that almost one-fourth of respondents claimed they had been self-harmed over the past year. Experts warn that this figure could rise in light of the pandemic.

How to tell if a child has mental health problems?

Dr. Coyne gave her top indicators that indicate that a child suffers in silence.

Is there any change in the communication of a child? Are they withdrawing social contact? Do they spend more time in their rooms now than they did before?

Do they really want to be on their feet a lot?

Are they constantly on a monitor?

Mood swings.

Alcohol and other drugs.

Feelings that you are hopeless.

Not taking part in things they used too.

Unhappiness in your life.

Is their sleep or eating schedule out of whack?

They might be engaging with risky behavior, such as giving up their belongings or saying they won’t stay around any longer.

You might also be on the lookout for signs and symptoms of self-harm.

Trust your intuition.

Even young children are shocked by the term. One user uploaded a trend that asked for others to “Record themselves before and afterwards going ogling back to-school necklace“”. You can see his reaction in this clip.

Dr. Coyne stressed the importance for all children to look out for one another, no matter if they have siblings or not.

She explained that it was important for siblings and children to be there for each other. By doing this, you are trying to instill kindness and compassion. If you notice someone being kind, you can say ‘….gave them a hug instead of focusing on the argument.

And she actually follows through with her advice. “I’m actually saying to them now, ‘When you go into town with friends, I want your to look for each other. I also want you and your friends to look for each other. And don’t leave your friends to do it alone. It’s so important to make sure you’re there with them, looking out for each others.

Tell your teenager that you are worried and encourage them to talk with someone they trust. Contact your GP or a professional in health if you think your teen might be at risk.

Samaritans available 24 hours/7 days a semaine, call 116123 or text SHOUT TO 85258

The following apps can help with child anxiety management: Headspace for kids, Stop, Breathe, Think Kids, and Smiling Brain.

Additional resources are available at A Lust for Life.


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