HomeBusinessWhat You Need To Know About Australian Resume Format

What You Need To Know About Australian Resume Format

One day, we started hearing these rumours that our professional documents had suddenly become non-existent. Like, not a single well-crafted paper on hand to present to the employer of your dreams? These rumours were out there for good reason as many employers will now see your job application in electronic format only! This is where you need to know about the Australian resume formatting parameters so that you can create a best-in-class document for yourself.

Australian Resume Format

When creating your Australian resume, keep these tips in mind: 

  1. Use headings and boldface for important information. 
  2. List your experience in chronological order. 
  3. Use action verbs to describe your accomplishments. 
  4. Indicate the size of the organization you worked for and the level of responsibility you had. 
  5. If you have a degree, list it under “Education” and list the diploma or degree name and year earned under “Skills and Abilities.”

The Australian resume format is basic but professional. Include headings and boldface to highlight key information, list experiences in chronological order, use action verbs to describe successes, indicate the level of responsibility held and if applicable, list any degrees earned.

Why does the Australian Resume Format Work?

Australian resume formats have been shown to be effective in job searches. The format incorporates fonts that are easily readable and emphasizes vocational experience, which is seen as an important element of a resume. The use of bullets and numbered lists helps organize the information on the resume and makes it easier to find. Australian formats also emphasize skills over education, which is typical in many countries but not all.

Thoughts and Opinions on the Australian Resume Format

There are many different resume formats that you can use, but the Australian format is one of the most popular. This type of resume is designed to showcase your skills and experiences in a concise and organized way. Here are some tips on how to create an Australian resume format:

  • Start by gathering your relevant experience and skills. List all the positions you’ve held, including the dates and hours worked. Also list any education you’ve completed, including degrees, diplomas, and certificates. Include information about any training you’ve received in the past as well.
  • Next, organize your experience and skills into categories. List positions first and work your way down to the most relevant details. For example, if you’re applying for a sales position, start with listing positions in sales-related fields followed by sales experience, then highlights from your sales career.
  • Use bullet points to highlight important points about each category of experience or skill. For example, under “Skills”, write “team player; strong negotiation skills; ability to meet deadlines” as a bullet point below your experience listing for being a team leader at a fast-food restaurant.

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Improve Your Resume to Stand Out

There are many ways to improve your resume to stand out and get noticed by potential employers. Here are five tips to help you get started: 

  1. Make sure your resume is easy to read and formatted correctly. Make sure it is grammatically correct, has no mistakes, and uses standard fonts and layouts.
  2. Introduce yourself clearly at the top of your resume. Share your name, address, phone number, and contact information (email and LinkedIn profile if applicable) so that potential employers can reach you easily.
  3. Use action verbs to emphasise key skills and accomplishments on your resume. Use words like managed, created, negotiated, or supervised to show what you have accomplished in the past.
  4. Create a biography at the bottom of your resume that highlights your education and work experience. This will give potential employers a snapshot of who you are as a person and what makes you unique compared to other applicants.
  5. Check for typos and grammar errors before printing out your resume or uploading it online. This will help you avoid unpleasant verbal confrontations during job interviews.


The Australian resume writing format is usually a chronological list of key experiences, skills and achievements with the objective of showing how you meet the professional qualifications required by the position you are applying to. The following are some tips on how to make your resume fit the Australian job market:

  • Use language that is specific to the industry you are seeking work in. For example, if you are applying for a marketing position, refer to your marketing experience rather than your general experience in business or management.
  • List your education and work experience in reverse chronological order. This allows the reader to see how current experience and education relate to each other.
  • Make sure your resume is properly formatted and uses standard font sizes and styles.
  • Use headings and lists for additional detail. For example, include skills in education under “Skills” or highlight specific achievements under ” Achievements”.


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