HomeLifestyle5 Fitting Ways To Show Sympathy Without Words

5 Fitting Ways To Show Sympathy Without Words

The Value of Your Input

Every single thing we do in life will have some sort of collateral impact; whether what we’ve done is good, bad, or ostensibly without any value. If you blink at somebody, and they see it, this will briefly break eye-contact, and could communicate either superiority or inferiority.

Either way, this initiates a mental domino effect where that person assumes your motives, and informs the next action they take from that assumption. Chaos theory operates along these principles. It’s basically a way of mathematically describing how a domino effect started as benignly as a butterfly flapping its wings could lead to a hurricane across the world.

Well, just as seemingly random actions can have big, unintended consequences, direct actions designed to help people can similarly result in unexpected positive results. If you show someone sympathy, not only will you likely help them with their grief, in the near future, they may help you out when you need it.

With that in mind, following we’ll briefly explore five ways to show sympathy without even having to use words.

Simply Being There

It’s actually a lot more beneficial if you’re just “there”, than if you contribute a lot of words to a conversation while you’re “there”. A lot of times, when you’re trying to help someone, you tell them what you would have done in a given situation, or how you understand another person’s pain. For one thing, in their situation, you probably wouldn’t act as you expect.

For another, it’s really not possible to understand how another person feels from the inside-out, because human emotion is so complicated. So what you ought to do for someone dealing with grief is simply be there. Listen to what they have to say. Empathize with them.

Doing Unwanted Chores

Sometimes people who are grieving feel alone, sometimes they want to be alone. Whatever the case, loneliness tends to be involved. This is a “sticky wicket”, as the English say, if you want to show your sympathy. They may not want you around, or in their bubble. Sometimes people want to weep, and don’t want other folks watching them do so.

What you can do is find ways of helping collaterally. Maybe mow their yard or fix the gate at the back of the house. Maybe iron some shirts for them, or wash their car. Find little things you can do to help. What you do will be appreciated, even if not immediately.

Finding An Appropriate Sympathy Gift

Gifts can say a lot without saying anything. Maybe what you want to do is get some chocolate or a card or a movie or an album for someone who is grieving. Perhaps frame a picture of the person you’re trying to comfort together with a loved one they lost. For more information on how to find appropriate gifts to express sympathy, follow the link.


Confederating With Friends to Do Something Special

You can also work with friends of the bereaved or otherwise depressed individual to do something special for them. You don’t even have to tell the sad person that’s what is going on.

Get together with friends, put together a game plan, then take the sad person out for a night on the town or something like that. Now, this tactic is appropriate for some situations, but not for others; so exercise discretion if you go this route.

Taking Up a Collection for the Hurt Person

Someone who lost their job right before the insurance company for their mortgage demands they get $10k in work done may be sad because they can’t see a way out of their situation. Well, you could take up a collection in the community to help. Again, this is an alternative that is only appropriate in certain situations, so be smart.

Communicating That You Care
There are a lot of things you can do for someone who isn’t feeling good, whether that malaise comes from grief, depression, physical pain, or something else. Your comfort is very important. Maybe take up a collection, or do something special with friends. Perhaps get them a gift, or do household chores. Whatever you do, just be sure you’re there for them.


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