HomeBusinessFive Reasons to Use Video for Corporate Sales

Five Reasons to Use Video for Corporate Sales

It’s estimated that by 2021 video will account for 82% of all consumer internet traffic (Cisco). That’s a lot of bytes, and it means one thing: your buyers are watching videos right now. Video is especially popular among your buyer personas: B2B decision-makers, executives, and other business professionals. In fact, they prefer to watch videos to reading articles or blog posts. This includes millennials; back in 2013, 60% of millennials agreed that they would rather watch a video than read an article.

Video for corporate sales makes remote working easier

One of the best ways to work remotely is with video conferencing apps. They allow you to talk, share files, and collaborate without having to be in the same office. Using video for corporate sales is a great idea because they allow you to connect with your potential customers without needing them to meet with you in person.

You can use video conferencing apps as a way of connecting with your customers or clients on a regular basis.

You can use it as part of an outreach strategy so that people reach out to you instead of the other way around. You could also use it as part of an onboarding process where new team members learn about their job and their company through these meetings over Skype or another similar tool (e.g., Zoom).

Video for sales helps you connect with your prospects

Video is a great way to connect with your prospects. It’s an opportunity to learn more about them, their needs and goals, and what they’re looking for in a product or service. Video actually helps build trust between you and your prospect by demonstrating that you understand their problems and have solutions that can help them solve them.

Video also gives customers the chance to see who they’re buying from—not just the product or service itself but also how it’s delivered by the company behind it. This lends credibility to how much you know about your industry as well as how effective you are at delivering what is promised (or even better).

Video gives customers access to behind-the-scenes footage of your business operations so they know exactly where their money will be going when they make a purchase from your organisation – allowing them greater peace of mind while making purchases from companies they trust already know exactly what they’re doing before even meeting face-to-face.

Video leads to a better ROI

Video is actually the most engaging content type, and using video for sales means that you’re more likely to actually have a higher return on investment (ROI).

People are much more likely to buy from a brand that they trust and like. This can be achieved through creating video content that generates good feelings within your target audience.

Video leads to better conversion rates because of its ability to captivate an audience and keep their attention longer. It’s also easier for consumers to share videos with friends than text or images alone—which means more people will see what you have to offer.


The biggest takeaway from this article should be that using video for corporate sales is an important and effective tool for sales. The unique power of personal connection it offers can really bring your business to the next level, especially in a world where so much of our communication happens online. Don’t get so caught up in the “how” of it all that you miss out on the “why”—which is that video is an amazing way to boost your relationships with both potential clients and existing customers. Put yourself out there. Try a new way to reach out and make a personal connection today.


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