HomeLifestyleHealthHow To Maintain High Testosterone

How To Maintain High Testosterone

Low testosterone affects more than sluggish sex drives. It’s undoubtedly one of the most frustrating symptoms. However, this is not the only reason you may wish to boost your testosterone levels. You can also associate low testosterone (Low T) is with: 

  • Fatigue 
  • Changes in sleep habits 
  • Erectile dysfunction 
  • Reduced muscle mass 
  • Feeling irritable or even depressed 
  • Increased body fat 

The body’s testosterone levels naturally decrease over time. However, younger men can also suffer from maintaining high testosterone symptoms, especially if they are overweight or suffer from medical conditions like diabetes and sleep apnea. In this post, you’ll find several ways to increase testosterone naturally. So, let’s get started.  

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Taking Steps to Reduce Stress 


Stress affects your entire health, including testosterone levels. The body releases cortisol as a response to stress. Stress triggers the release of this hormone, which helps your body recover. In contrast, if you’re constantly stressed (chronic stress), you spend a lot of time exposed to cortisol. Research has shown that cortisol reduces testosterone in the bloodstream. 

Although life will always be challenging, you can take steps to reduce the amount of stress you feel. You can relieve stress to maintain high testosterone by taking time for yourself to do something you enjoy – even if it’s only for a few minutes each day. Sometimes, it may also mean acting on the breathing reminders that your smartwatch keeps bugging you.  

It’ll allow you to calm your mind and relax your body. And if low testosterone causes stress, visiting a Low T Center may help. They’ll put you through an injection therapy if you’re a testosterone-deficient man. 

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Staying Active 

The European Journal of Applied Physiology published a study that found the more active a person is, the higher their testosterone levels will be. According to another survey, physical activity improved testosterone levels more effectively than weight loss. Nevertheless, it is essential not to overdo it since higher exercise levels can reduce testosterone levels. 

Furthermore, according to the same study, long-distance runners may have low testosterone levels. Researchers speculate it may result from insufficient energy and improper nutrition. 

Avoiding Estrogen-Like Compounds 

Taking estrogen-like compounds in high doses may also affect hormone levels. Endocrine disruptors, including BPA and PFCs, can alter how hormones, including testosterone, function. Excessive amounts of estrogen, either endogenous (in the body) or exogenous (outside of the body), can prevent testosterone from being produced.  

If you are overweight or diabetic, your estrogen to testosterone ratio will be higher. Also worth mentioning is that drug use and excessive drinking can also decrease testosterone levels. Avoiding these compounds would be helpful if you want to maintain high testosterone. 

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Maintaining a Balanced Diet 


A healthy diet is crucial to maintaining testosterone levels and overall health. A study in the Journal of Neuroinflammation suggests that low testosterone levels and being overweight may cause inflammation and impaired neurological function. Further research showed overeating and yo-yo dieting — a weight regaining and loss cycle affected hormone levels. The effects are more apparent in athletes and those who are active. 

Healthy diets should include carbohydrates, balanced fats, and proteins and contain whole foods. Healthy eating can promote optimal long-term health by keeping all hormone levels in the body balanced, thus maintaining high testosterone. 

Supplements to Boost Testosterone 

Many men have had success raising testosterone with dietary and lifestyle changes. Still, there may also be a few holistic supplements that can assist this process and encourage healthy hormone production. Examples might include: 

  • Tribulus Terrestris: Historically, this herb enhanced sexual function and libido in both men and women. Studies suggest it may improve sexual function in both men and women. 
  • Zinc: Sperm production and testosterone production require this mineral. But, if you already have a sufficient amount of zinc, supplementation won’t help. 
  • Ginger root: One study involved 75 men struggling with infertility taking ginger supplements daily. Their testosterone levels increased by 17.5% after three months. It’s also anti-inflammatory and supports digestion. 
  • DHEA: Age, stress, and other lifestyle factors decrease dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) levels, which are crucial to sex hormone production. If you have low DHEA, your body cannot build hormones like testosterone 

Having Adequate Sleep  


The hormone testosterone has a circadian rhythm. It’s why ‌you’re probably standing at attention in the morning, and your libido is perhaps the lowest in the evening. Because of this rhythm, healthy T levels depend on adequate and consistent sleep. 

Just one week of lack of sleep can cause hormonal imbalances in men. It is usual for testosterone levels to be low at the start of sleep, but as it takes longer to reach REM sleep, testosterone levels will rise more slowly. Several factors can interrupt REM sleep, including: 

  • Alcohol 
  • Caffeine 
  • Narcolepsy 
  • Antidepressants 
  • Opioids or narcotics 
  • Marijuana 
  • Benzodiazepines 
  • Lithium 

It may help to limit things that disturb sleep or address conditions that can lower testosterone levels. However, it is ‌unclear when testosterone replacement is the most effective. One study about obesity found that there was a high relation of obesity leading to obstructive sleep apnea than testosterone levels. Because of weight loss, sleep apnea improved, but testosterone replacement did not ease the condition. 


Low testosterone is a common health condition that affects both men and women. Its deficiency can lead to several health concerns. Therefore, it would be best to learn how to maintain it. This post provides you with the most effective ways you can do this.  

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