HomeLifestyleHealthThe Keto Diet & You: Good Fit?

The Keto Diet & You: Good Fit?

The ketogenic diet is the most considerable diet sensation ever in nutrition. Therefore, it’s worth investigating because of that alone.

The ketogenic diet is affluent in fat (about 75 percent), moderate in protein (about 20 percent), and extremely high in carbs (about 5 percent). The goal is to bring the body to the status of ketosis. In ketosis, your body breaks down fats and produces ketones to generate energy instead of burning glucose.

Benefits of Keto?

Ketosis benefits we usually hear about include:

  • Weight loss.
  • Higher HDL (“good”) cholesterol.
  • Improvement of type 2 diabetes.
  • A reduction in epileptic seizures.
  • Slowing the growth of cancerous tumors.

Some studies have suggested a potential for women suffering from PCOS (polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), the insulin-related condition. This could be due to its potential (not yet conclusive) ability to reset insulin sensitivities.

Everything Old Is New Again?

This current Keto diet isn’t the first time we’ve identified carbs as a food enemy. Studies on the medical benefits of low-carb diets or fasting date back to the 1850s or earlier.

It was in 1967 that Stillman presented the Doctor’s Quick Weight Loss Diet, featuring essentially only low-fat protein and water.

Then was The Atkins diet of 1972. It had a high protein and fat content and was low in carbohydrates. It helps lose weight and prevent hypertension, diabetes, and various metabolic disorders. It’s still in high demand today.

In 1996 Eades and Eades launched Protein Power, a very low-carb diet that seemed to aid patients suffering from hypertension, obesity, or high cholesterol. It also helps patients with diabetes.

Thus, reducing carbohydrates, such as the Keto diet, has a long history of helping people shed weight or improve metabolic processes. Evidence from personal experience supports this.

Does Keto Have Any Other Benefits?

Most likely, because these brain diseases are connected to metabolic diseases, potential benefits could be observed in neurodegenerative diseases like multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, or Parkinson’s. Actually, Alzheimer’s disease is now referred to as Type 3 diabetes.

The treatment for these ailments should be done under the supervision of a physician.

Ketones can also help reduce the brain’s injury from trauma Based on research on rats.

In the Interest of Full Disclosure…

The initial weight loss from the Keto diet is rapid. The Keto diet is quick. The body has utilized glycogen that it has stored (carb stored in muscles) and flushed out the water that was held with it. The loss of weight could continue, however, at a slower pace.

Metabolism shows an initial rise that disappears after four weeks.

Keto cannot provide long-term benefits in weight loss or gains in lean mass.

Keto seems to increase LDL (“bad”) cholesterol for some.

What About Negative Effects?

The most commonly cited “cons” of a ketogenic diet are deficiencies in nutrient levels because of food groups that aren’t being consumed and a painful condition known as “Keto flu,” which could persist for several days. It is characterized by dehydration, hunger, headaches, nausea, constipation, fatigue, irritation, mental fatigue, sluggish focus, fatigue, and low motivation. Because these symptoms are like those experienced by people stopping caffeine use, Keto is regarded as a “detox” plan.

Other problems include issues with digestion on low-fiber diets and issues in adhering to them.

In terms of workouts regarding exercise, in terms of workouts Keto diet may not offer any advantages for the majority of people. In reality, the glycogen depletion caused by the diet could be hit by the brick wall (bonking). Speed and power can be diminished without glucose and carbs as fuel.

The International Olympic Committee has urged athletes to avoid diets low in carbs. They could cause inadequate training adaptations and could result in a decrease in power output as well as endurance. A friend of mine caused cardiac arrhythmias in rats on a diet low in carbohydrates.

Due to the low-carb aspect of the Keto diet, my primary concerns are how women might be doing in relation to serotonin production and function. Carbs play an essential part in the transport of tryptophan (the serotonin precursor) to the brain, and serotonin levels may decrease without the carbs. What impact does this have on women’s mood, appetite, impulsivity, and much more?

What’s the Bottom Line?

Keto is a viable option to help with weight loss and other health issues mentioned in the previous paragraphs. Whether it is a good choice for long-term use is still a debate. The advantages of this approach are still being debated, as are its risks. The critics point out potential kidney damage and the absence of long-term studies and evidence-based research.

All in all, Keto is neither a permanent cure nor the perfect solution for people who desire simply to “be healthier.” Last but not least, the diet isn’t easy for many to stick to regularly.

A more sustainable long-term diet could be a more balanced one that is low in both sugars and “junky” carbs and emphasizes healthy, high-fiber, and nutritious foods, like vegetables.

And now, I invite you to visit https://timeplanetnews.com/2022/08/16/keto-complete-australia-scam-ingredients-benefits-price/ and grab your free Empower Me Consult for tips on metabolic conditions, inflammation, fueling for workouts, weight loss, and more. Learn how easy it is to implement small adjustments that result in big benefits. You’re in the right place!

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