HomeLifestyleHow to Create a More Hygienic Home Environment

How to Create a More Hygienic Home Environment

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As the world continues to grapple with contagious viruses, there’s an increase in awareness regarding the importance of cleanliness. For many people, hand-washing was a part of their standard. For others, hand-washing practices were optional. If you’d like to maintain a more hygienic home, know that it doesn’t require constantly spraying anti-disinfectant sprays every hour of the day. However, it does take effort. Consider some of the best ways you can get started.

1. Clean All Surfaces Regularly

Consider the surfaces in all of the high-traffic areas of your home. The countertops of the kitchen and bathroom can collect a ton of germs. For many people, the kitchen table is the main hub of the home. Everyone takes showers multiple times a day. This means that it’s best to find ways to go through the house each night and clean down the surfaces.

Use a cleaning spray and a paper towel to wipe each surface. When it pertains to the shower, you don’t have to deep-clean the shower each time. However, if you install a shower glass coating, it’s much easier to wipe and spray down after you’ve taken a shower.

2. Opt for Hardwood Floors over Carpet

Carpet isn’t the most hygienic option as it holds a lot of dirt, germs and allergens. If you have the option and freedom to do so, get rid of the carpet. Even if you’re not ready to pay a lot of money for hardwood flooring, faux hardwood flooring or faux tiles can provide a much cleaner option for your home. Whether you have carpets, rugs or hard floors, be sure to clean them thoroughly on a regular basis. Some options require daily cleaning while other options can manage a weekly deep-cleaning session.

3. Create a Household Cleaning Schedule

A good household cleaning schedule keeps you accountable. If you live with other family members and loved ones, assign chores for everyone. Make sure everyone knows what they need to do on a specific day of the week. This helps everyone take part in maintaining a clean and hygienic home environment.

4. Maintain Clean Air

One of the best ways to maintain clean air is by opening the windows for 15 minutes each day. Even if you simply crack the windows open, this allows fresh air to come in and circulate. Avoid plug-in air fresheners, and try to avoid burning candles for longer than an hour. Those chemicals aren’t the best to inhale. In order to make the home smell good, try essential oil diffusers for their therapeutic, healing properties. Create your own potpourri to simmer in a crockpot. These options are much safer for the air in your home.

Keep a few indoor plants around the home as they serve as natural air purifiers. If you don’t have a green thumb, choose some fuss-free options. Lastly, turn on the fans and vents in the kitchen when you’re cooking. The same applies to the bathroom when you’re running hot water. The moisture and humidity can become a breeding ground for mold without a well-operating fan.

5. Deep-Clean the Bed and Bath Linens

A person spends a third of their lifetime in bed. This is a significant amount of time. During this time, your body releases sweat, dirt and germs. Though it’s hard to see with the naked eye, your bed can become a cesspool of germs. This is why it’s best to change the linens on a weekly basis.

Wash the linens in hot water in order to kill germs. Your bath linens need to be deep cleaned as well. Focus on using white washcloths as they’re much easier to bleach and disinfect. By using bleach and boiling hot water, you can soak and disinfect white washcloths, towels and linens for a few hours each week. Then, wash them on the normal cycle in the washing machine.


As you cultivate various hygienic practices, it’s always wise to consider the people in your household. If you have little ones, it might be easier for them to do certain tasks over others. Just focus on reminders and leading by example. For an older person who might be set in their ways, you’ll have challenges there. Just remain consistent and adamant in your efforts. With everyone’s cooperation, you’ll be able to maintain a more hygienic home environment.


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