HomeTechSocial MediaHow To Have More Than 1000 Subscribers on YouTube?

How To Have More Than 1000 Subscribers on YouTube?

how to get 100 subscribers on youtube

Are you looking for a way to increase your subscribers? Have you ever thought about buying YouTube subscribers to reach 1000?

According to this Brazilian article “Comprar Inscritos na SocialStar”, This is a recurring and widely used practice.

One of the things I started doing when I had more free time working from home was creating a YouTube channel (as all millennials do). Unfortunately though, the reality of reaching 1,000 subscribers was a lot harder than I was led to believe.

I thought about buying YouTube views when I read this “comprar views” post because it’s really hard to hit 4000 hours of monetization too.

On average, it takes 15.5 months to get 1,000 subscribers on YouTube. To do this you have to upload 164 videos. These videos should be targeted to keywords that have enough traffic to get views, but aren’t too competitive to rank for those search terms.

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1000 subscribers is the golden number for many of us budding YouTubers. After all, it’s (currently) the point where we can start asking for monetization and it’s the point where YouTube supposedly starts to get easier.

How To Get 1000 Subscribers on YouTube (Video) 

How to grow on youtube with 0 subscribers

Subscribers are engaged members who want to see more of you and your content by clicking the subscribe button. Plus, subscribers help your channel and views grow organically. But from YouTube’s point of view, the number of subscribers is a vital parameter in its algorithm that measures the worth of your content.

Subscribers are proof of the success of any YouTube channel. And having a good subscriber base means that a lot of people watch your videos regularly and trust you. This makes YouTube reward you by suggesting your channel to like-minded people and people looking for content relevant to their needs. If YouTube sees reasonable growth or clickthrough rate on their recommendation, your subscription is skyrocketing.

For a new youtuber, getting the first 1,000 subscribers is not a piece of cake. It takes sheer willpower and perseverance. The average time to get 1,000 subscribers is 1 to 1.5 years, which is a good strategy to acquire subscribers for your channel and advertising revenue. So it’s not easy, but it’s doable.

how to get 1000 subscribers on youtube

Starting from scratch is very hard. Since we had no viewers (other than our moms), we posted videos on our channel just for us! And we had to learn how to gain YouTube subscribers for our channel. But, through a lot of trial and error, we have come up with some guaranteed techniques to gain YouTube subscribers. We use these techniques to seed our channel and grow to our first 100 subscribers, then to 1,000 subscribers, and now to over 2,000! (EDIT: Now almost 10,000!)

Since we passed 1000 subscribers, it has been much easier to gain new subscribers. YouTube starts rewarding you for things like consistently gaining subscribers, having high watch time, and having a consistent upload schedule. Now most people find our videos through search and recommended videos.

This is a technique that we have used from the beginning with great success. Since we are into travel, we watch other travel channels like funforlouis and mrbenbrown. We’ve turned on alerts for these channels so you’ll be notified immediately after they post new videos.

Youtube subscribers hack

YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world, the leading social media platform for videos, and a place where Internet users go for all kinds of information. And there are plenty of viewers to connect with.

For example, if you have 1,050 subscribers and each video brings you 900 views and many comments, your participation rate is incredible. This is attractive to brands, because you have 900 loyal, eager and willing fans to buy through your YouTube channel.

Paid brand sponsorships are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to how to make money on YouTube with 1,000 subscribers. You can maximize your influence by leveraging affiliate links, selling services, promoting e-books, and cross-marketing on other social media channels.

This means having a strong bio that tells your story. You need to be personal for your fans to feel connected to you. This will allow you to influence them to recommend products and/or services for a brand, or entice them to click on an affiliate link.


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