Shirodhara combines two Sanskrit words that mean ‘Head and Stream’. This is an ayurvedic treatment that dates back thousands of years. It involves pouring warm liquids over the head for a set time. The liquids used will depend on the treatment, because they usually include herbal oils as well as medicated liquids such as milk or buttermilk. during 

Shirodhara induces relaxation in the nervous system, which results in a dynamic psychosomatic balance. The mind can relax and stagnant waste (ama), is removed from the body Also. This balances the doshas. It produces a calming effect similar to meditation.

What causes anxiety and stress?

Anxiety and stress are very common today and are felt by nearly everyone. According to Ayurveda, imbalances in the Doshas can lead to anxiety and stress. Balance or harmony in our systems can help regulate our stress response.


  1. The Shirodhara massage bed is to be used as a sleeping surface.
  2. The forehead is suspended from a clay or metal vessel. The Shirodhara process begins with the gentle pouring of herbs oils and other especially mediated liquids in steady streams onto the forehead.
  3. This is often combined with Shirodhara’s head and body massage.
  4. After treatment is complete, the patient may take a short rest, then enjoy a hot tub with medicated water.

What does Shirodhara do to reduce stress and anxiety?

Shirodhara is well-known for its numerous health benefits that improve the mind, body, and spirit. The most notable being its deeply relaxing properties as well as its ability to promote better and more quality sleep.

This helps to soothe the hypothalamus which activates the pituitary gland. This helps to reduce stress hormones and elevated levels of serotonin. basically, It can also help with insomnia.

Shirodhara combined with Brahmi oils is helpful for mild to severe insomnia. It helps with exhaustion stress, debility, and aggravation.

Shirodhara therapy has shown results in Another patient. They report feeling less anxious and stressed after just a few sessions.

Is Shirodhara safe?

Shirodhara has not been associated with any side effects. Shirodhara oil should not be ingested into your eyes or ears. It can cause allergic reactions, conjunctivitis and glaucoma, dizziness, fever, and in rare cases,  also other inflammatory diseases. before This procedure should only be performed by a licensed practitioner in a clinic.

Ayurvedic Treatments in London are highly experienced and qualified in the Shirodhara procedure and will create a personalized plan to suit all your needs.

Who should avoid Shirodhara

Shirodhara is not recommended for pregnant women who are in their third trimester (7 to 9 months) or those with sunburnt scalps or foreheads. People who are allergic to oil should not be treated with this accordingly therapy.

Shirodhara can also be avoided in the following situations: a neck injury, abrasions, cuts on the head and brain tumors, chills, fever, nausea, severe weakness or exhaustion, accordingly fainting, or acute finally illness.

Shirodhara has been shown to relieve many psychosomatic conditions such as depression, tension, insomnia, and tension.

This relaxing treatment is a popular choice because of its many benefits. To get the best treatment plan for you, make an appointment with Anurag Ayurveda Kendra In Jaipur.


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