HomeLifestyleUseful marriage documents to collect and present during a divorce

Useful marriage documents to collect and present during a divorce

Every marriage ends in divorce, and every divorce is a nightmare for both the spouses and their children. It is a heartbreaking experience for all involved. Because divorce is difficult for everyone, it is important to collect as much evidence as possible to prove your case. Divorce is never a fun experience, but it is a part of life for many people. If you have gone through the divorce process, then you know that it can be quite an emotional time. It is also a time when you are likely to feel a little bit overwhelmed by everything that needs to be done. The most common question a divorce paper server hears is: “What do I need to collect to protect my rights?” Divorce is always a hard discussion between two people who used to love each other. The question of what happens to things like a 401K, a car, or the stock options, can be confusing.

It is a good idea to keep a log of things that happen during your marriage. Write down dates and times, the reason for the argument, and the outcome of the argument. Keep receipts of all expenses that were for the household or for any gifts you gave your spouse. If you have a job, keep a copy of your income tax returns from the last few years. If you have a bank account, keep a copy of your bank statements. Keep a copy of all marriage contracts, prenuptial agreements, and any other legal documents you signed together, such as an apartment lease. Keep copies of all your deeds, titles, and mortgages. This information can be very useful in settling your divorce.

Here are some of the documents you should consider collecting and saving during your divorce.

Income documents

One of the most important documents you can get during a divorce is a copy of your spouse’s latest pay stubs. You need to see the amount of money they make to know how much alimony you might be entitled to receive. If your spouse is self-employed, you should request a list of all the jobs that they have had over the last few years.

Debt incurred after marriage

It has been said that marriage is the most expensive legal contract that one can enter into. The reason is that there are plenty of legal documents that are quite costly to prepare. However, it is important to have marriage documents that will protect us in case of a divorce. In case you are getting a divorce, it is necessary to collect marriage documents that will help you in the legal proceedings.  

During a marriage, if one spouse is the primary breadwinner and the other is the primary homemaker, the homemaker spouse may incur debt to help their partner in the marriage open a business, quit their job, or pursue a degree. Or they may incur a debt to help their partner in the marriage pay for credit card debt, student loans, taxes, or work expenses. The homemaker spouse may even incur a debt to help their partner in the marriage buy a house or car or fund a college education. If this has happened, it is essential to get evidence of the debt and present it in court.

Joint accounts

If you have joint accounts with your spouse, then it is always a good idea to get copies of all of them and keep them in a safe place. Do not make any more deposits or withdrawals from these accounts, as they may be needed to help figure out the value of your assets. Withdrawals from a joint account may not be considered your money by the court, so be careful.

Real estate and automobiles

If you and your spouse have been married for a number of years, you’ve most likely accumulated a fair amount of assets. Important assets that you may need to collect during a divorce include: 

  • Real estate, including residences and investment properties
  • Automobiles, including cars, motorcycles, boats, and vehicles that have a substantial value 
  • Collectibles, coins, art, and jewelry 
  • Stocks, bonds, and other investments 
  • Businesses

Real estate and automobiles are two of the most valuable assets in a marriage, and if you and your spouse have owned a home or a car during your marriage, you will want to make sure you have a clear title to it. A real estate title is evidence that you are the rightful owner of the property. If you and your spouse have a home, a deed is the only way to prove that you are the owners of the property.

Business assets

One of the first things to remember is that any business assets you own, you should document them because they are often one of the most contentious issues during a divorce. Depreciation is another issue that is difficult to prove, so it is important to be able to prove the value of the assets and how they were depreciated. In addition, business assets can be worth a lot more than what you initially paid for them, so it is important to have the correct values for them. Also, if you are thinking of buying something new like forklifts for your business, you will need to show them in your documents to make sure to protect them.

Unofficial documents and proof of spending time with your children

If you and your partner are going through a divorce, you need to prove that you spent as much time with your children as possible. It’s important to collect as many documents as possible without offending your partner. It might be necessary to collect information about your children’s homework, their sports activities, and the time you spent together. 

If you have children and live separately from your spouse, it is essential to gather all the documents that prove that you spend time with your kids. These documents will help you prove the amount of time you spent with your children and prove that you are not intentionally trying to avoid your obligations. 

Also Read: Why You Should Consider Adding Case Studies to Your Website.


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